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You don't need to know anything about programming to use our solution. It's one of airSlate's most important advantages in the market today. It may take some time to configure some of our tools, but this process does not necessitate coding.
We want you to keep moving forward in your learning. If you take a course through the airSlate Academy, you will get a certificate to show that you passed the course. You can add the certificate to your current job or move up in your career by using it.
Partner Connect is the airSlate Partnership program that helps businesses add the airSlate product offerings, promote them across their marketing channels, and earn commissions. Learning about automation with airSlate is an important part of becoming our partner.
We're sorry, but we don't offer courses in other languages. All of the airSlate interface, resources, and learning materials are in English. If a localized product is something you'd like to see in the future, please let our support team know.
While these technologies are similar, they are not the same. AI is mainly geared towards self-learning, developing its own logic, and making predictions. In contrast, RPA can only operate based on the pre-set logic and is not capable of working without humans.
Each course focuses on a certain part of how airSlate works. They can take anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes. Courses that lead to certification are more in-depth and can take up to four hours. It's also important to consider how much time you have available.
Businesses need a solution for paperless and automated document management because of the economic swings brought on by the pandemic and the development of hybrid work.
It's completely free to enroll in any of the classes offered by airSlate Academy. All you have to do now is create an airSlate Academy account, verify your email address, and begin your education.
Increasing efficiency and adaptability will be a top priority for businesses in the future, according to Gartner's predictions. Learning automation should be part of your growth plan if you want to remain competitive and not fall behind.
Bots are pieces of software that are programmed to perform specific activities based on previously established rules and logic. You may use airSlate Bots to transport data across documents and apps, set up reminders and automated notifications, build and update entries in your CRM based on the data you collect, and much more.