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It is not necessary to register with airSlate. All you need to get started is an airSlate Academy account. However, if you want to improve your automation skills, we strongly advise you to sign up for a free account on our platform.
We want you to keep moving forward in your education. The airSlate Academy will issue you a certificate of completion if you successfully complete a course. The certificate can be put to good use in your existing position or as a springboard for a new one.
With the pandemic and the rise of hybrid work causing big changes in the economy, it's important for businesses to find a way to manage documents without paper and automatically.
Bots are pieces of software that are programmed to do certain tasks based on rules and logic that have already been set. With airSlate Bots, you can transfer data between documents and apps, create reminders and automated notifications, create and update records in your CRM based on the collected information, and more.With airSlate Bots, you can move data between documents and apps, set up reminders and automated notifications, create and update records in your CRM based on the information you collect, and more.
You don't need any industry-specific training or third-party software to take any courses. Every learning block concludes with a variety of exercises that put what you've learned into practice through a variety of real-world application scenarios. They are self-paced and can be seen at any time that suits you.
You can take as many classes as you want, the answer is yes. But you shouldn't sign up for too many classes at once, because some of them need your full attention. Sign up now to keep up a constant learning pace.
RPA stands for Robotic Process Automation. It is a specialized technology comprising tools and features designed to automate repetitive and routine chores. airSlate provides numerous RPA Bots to automate time-consuming document-based procedures without the need for coding.
Partner Connect is the airSlate Partnership program that enables businesses to add airSlate product offerings, promote them through their marketing channels, and earn commissions. Learning about automation with airSlate is a key step in becoming a partner.
Gartner predicts that automation will be a new necessity for organizations that want to deliver more efficiency and flexibility. If you want to stay competitive and not lag behind, learning automation is something you need to consider in your growth strategy.
It is not necessary to have any prior programming experience in order to use our solution. It's one of airSlate's most important advantages. However, this approach does not necessitate any coding on our part.