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Each lesson focuses on a different feature of airSlate. There are more in-depth certification courses available that can last up to four hours. There's also the question of how much time you'll need to dedicate to completing the homework.
airSlate Academy offers no-cost classes. Just sign up for an airSlate Academy account, verify your email address, and you're ready to go.
Yes, there is a free subscription option. You'll be able to test out airSlate for 30 days and get a feel for how it works. After that, you'll have the option to upgrade to a premium subscription at any time. To find out how airSlate works, check out our YouTube channel featuring multiple webinars, tutorials, and use cases.
Our solution requires no knowledge of programming languages. It’s one of airSlate’s most competitive advantages. Configuring some of our tools may take some time, but this process does not involve coding.
You don't need experience in a certain field or tools from a third party to take any course. At the end of each learning block, there are different assignments based on different use cases, as well as important insights and tips. Our courses are self-paced, so you can look at them whenever you want.
With the pandemic and the rise of hybrid work causing big changes in the economy, it's important for businesses to find a way to manage documents without paper and automatically.
Get the complete list of our courses in this catalog. The courses are segmented into different categories and complexity levels. In case you don’t see a particular tutorial, please contact us.
In addition to the airSlate Academy, you can use other learning tools to help you with our products. To view the materials, please visit our main page > click resources > select any option from the drop-down list. Please contact us at any moment if you require assistance.
RPA is an abbreviation for Robotic Process Automation. It is a specialized technology comprised of tools and features designed to automate repetitive and routine processes. airSlate provides a plethora of RPA Bots to automate time-consuming document-based procedures without the need for coding.
Increasing efficiency and adaptability will be a top priority for businesses in the future, according to Gartner's predictions. Learning automation should be part of your growth plan if you want to remain competitive and not fall behind.