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All courses with airSlate Academy are free of charge. You just need to set up an account with the airSlate Academy, confirm your email address, and start your learning journey.
We're sorry, but we don't offer courses in other languages. All of the airSlate interface, resources, and learning materials are in English. If a localized product is something you'd like to see in the future, please let our support team know.
Bots are bits of software that have been programmed to perform certain activities based on predefined rules and conditional logic. With airSlate Bots, you can move data between documents and apps, set up reminders and automated notifications, create and update records in your CRM based on the information collected, and more.
The airSlate Partnership program, known as Partner Connect, enables companies to add airSlate products to their catalogs, promote those products through their own channels, and earn commissions. Being an airSlate partner requires you to learn about automation.
You will find the complete list of courses in this catalog. The courses are divided into many categories and levels of difficulty. In case you don’t see a specific training, please contact us.
You can take as many classes as you like. It's a good idea not to sign up for too many courses at once, as some require your whole attention. The earlier you enroll, the more time you will have to study.
No knowledge of programming languages is needed to use our solution. It's one of the things that gives airSlate a competitive edge. Some of our tools may take a while to set up, but this does not require coding.
RPA is a short form for Robotic Process Automation. It is a type of technology made up of tools and features that are set up to take care of repetitive and routine tasks. airSlate has a lot of RPA Bots that can speed up tedious document-based processes without having to code.
Increasing efficiency and adaptability will be a top priority for businesses in the future, according to Gartner's predictions. Learning automation should be part of your growth plan if you want to remain competitive and not fall behind.
With the economy shifting dramatically as a result of the pandemic and the adoption of hybrid work, it is vital for businesses to find a solution for paperless and automated document management.