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No knowledge of programming languages is needed to use our solution. It's one of the things that gives airSlate a competitive edge. Some of our tools may take a while to set up, but this does not require coding.
With huge shifts in the economy caused by the pandemic and the adoption of hybrid work, it’s critical for businesses to obtain a solution for paperless and automated document management.
Increasing efficiency and adaptability will be a top priority for businesses in the future, according to Gartner's predictions. Learning automation should be part of your growth plan if you want to remain competitive and not fall behind.
You do not need an industry-specific background or third-party tools to take any courses. Our courses provide a variety of use cases, key insights and suggestions, and varied projects at the end of each learning block. Our courses are self-paced, so you may watch them whenever it is convenient for you.
It is not necessary to register with airSlate. All you need to get started is an airSlate Academy account. However, if you want to improve your automation skills, we strongly advise you to sign up for a free account on our platform.
Bots are computer programs that are set up to do certain tasks based on rules and logic that have already been set up. You may use airSlate Bots to transfer data across documents and apps, make reminders and automated notifications, build and update entries in your CRM based on the information collected, and much more.
Each lesson focuses on a different feature of airSlate. They can take anything from 30 minutes to an hour, depending on their complexity. Certification classes are more in-depth and can last up to four hours. You must also consider the time required to complete the jobs.
We want you to keep moving forward in your education. The airSlate Academy will issue you a certificate of completion if you successfully complete a course. The certificate can be put to good use in your existing position or as a springboard for a new one.
You can join a free subscription plan, yes. You will have 30 days to try airSlate and learn how to use our solution by doing it yourself. You can switch at any time to a paid plan. To discover how airSlate works, check out our YouTube channel featuring multiple webinars, tutorials, and use cases.
While these two technologies are similar, they are not the same. AI is mostly about learning on its own, developing its own logic, and making predictions. On the other hand, RPA can only work based on the logic that has already been set up. It can't work without humans.