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You don't need to know anything about programming to use our solution. It's one of airSlate's most important advantages in the market today. It may take some time to configure some of our tools, but this process does not necessitate coding.
We want you to keep moving forward in your education. The airSlate Academy will issue you a certificate of completion if you successfully complete a course. The certificate can be put to good use in your existing position or as a springboard for a new one.
Robotic Process Automation is what RPA stands for in short. It is a set of tools and features that work together to automate tasks that are done over and over again. airSlate has a lot of RPA Bots that can speed up tedious document-based tasks without having to write code.
With the economy shifting dramatically as a result of the pandemic and the adoption of hybrid work, it is vital for businesses to find a solution for paperless and automated document management.
Bots are pieces of software that are set up to do certain tasks based on rules and logic that have already been set. Set up reminders and automated notifications; generate and update records in your CRM based on the information you collect with airSlate Bots; and more with airSlate Bots
We regret that we do not provide courses in other languages. The complete airSlate interface, as well as all supporting resources and learning materials, are written in English. If you would want to see a localized product in the future, please share your thoughts with our support team.
Gartner predicts that automation will be a new necessity for organizations that want to deliver more efficiency and flexibility. If you want to stay competitive and not lag behind, learning automation is something you need to consider in your growth strategy.
Yes, you can sign up for a free subscription plan. You will have 30 days to test airSlate and gain hands-on experience with our solution. After that, you can upgrade to a premium plan at any moment. To get a better understanding of how airSlate works, visit our YouTube channel featuring multiple webinars, tutorials, and use cases.
All classes at airSlate Academy are completely free. Simply create an account with airSlate Academy, validate your email address, and begin your learning experience.
In each class, you'll learn something new about airSlate. More in-depth certification courses, lasting up to four hours, are also offered. Consider the amount of time you'll need to spend to homework completion as well.