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You don't need to know anything about programming to use our solution. It's one of airSlate's most important advantages in the market today. It may take some time to configure some of our tools, but this process does not necessitate coding.
Our no-code solution is a platform that includes eSignature, document generation, RPA Bots, tools for negotiating contracts, and more. We offer a complete solution for automating your document-based tasks. Read about how our features have helped other companies in our customer stories.
There are a number of different types of bots, each of which has its own unique set of rules and logic. In addition to moving data across documents and apps, airSlate Bots allow you to set up reminders and automated notifications, set up and update entries in your CRM, and more.
Yes, you can sign up for a free plan to subscribe. You'll have 30 days to try out airSlate and learn how to use our solution firsthand. You can change to a paid plan whenever you want. To find out how airSlate works, check out our YouTube channel featuring multiple webinars, tutorials, and use cases.
Registration for airSlate is optional. You don't need anything more than an airSlate Academy account to get started. You should register a free account on our platform if you wish to improve your automation skills.
These technologies are similar but not identical. AI is primarily focused on self-learning, logic development, and prediction. RPA, on the other hand, can only operate based on pre-programmed logic and cannot function in the absence of humans.
We're sorry, but we don't have any classes in other languages. The interface, resources, and learning materials for airSlate are all in English. If you would like to see a product that is localized in the future, please let our support team know.
With the economy shifting dramatically as a result of the pandemic and the adoption of hybrid work, it is vital for businesses to find a solution for paperless and automated document management.
Each lesson focuses on a different feature of airSlate. There are more in-depth certification courses available that can last up to four hours. There's also the matter of how much time you'll need to devote to finishing the homework.
We want you to keep moving forward in your learning. If you take a course through the airSlate Academy, you will get a certificate to show that you passed the course. You can add the certificate to your current job or move up in your career by using it.