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Each course focuses on a certain part of how airSlate works. They can take anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes. Those courses that lead to a certification can take up to four hours. You also need to consider how much time you have available to complete the task.
Our solution requires no knowledge of programming languages. It’s one of airSlate’s most competitive advantages. Configuring some of our tools may take some time, but this process does not involve coding.
We regret that we do not provide courses in other languages. The complete airSlate interface, as well as all supporting resources and learning materials, are written in English. If you would want to see a localized product in the future, please share your thoughts with our support team.
Partner Connect is the airSlate Partnership program. It helps businesses add airSlate products, promote them through their marketing channels, and earn commissions. Part of becoming our partner is learning about automation with airSlate.
airSlate Academy offers no-cost classes. Just sign up for an airSlate Academy account, verify your email address, and you're ready to go.
Bots are computer programs that are built to carry out specific activities according to established rules and logic. There are a number of ways to use airSlate Bots to automate the movement of data across apps and documents, as well as the generation of reminders and notifications.
With the pandemic and the rise of hybrid work causing big changes in the economy, it's important for businesses to find a way to manage documents without paper and automatically.
ESignature, RPA Bots, contract negotiation tools and more are all included in our no-code platform. Automating your document-based processes is one of our specialties. Read our our customer stories today to see how our features have aided various businesses.
These technologies are similar but not identical. AI is primarily focused on self-learning, logic development, and prediction. RPA, on the other hand, can only operate based on pre-programmed logic and cannot function in the absence of humans.
We hope that you will continue to progress in your studies. The airSlate Academy will issue a certificate to students who successfully finish any of their courses. Working in your current position or advancing your career are both possible outcomes of earning this degree.