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Yes, you can sign up for a free subscription plan. You’ll have 30 days to try airSlate and get hands-on experience using our solution. You can switch to a paid plan anytime after. To get a general idea of how airSlate works, check out our YouTube channel featuring multiple webinars, tutorials, and use cases.
It’s not required to register for airSlate. Setting up an airSlate Academy account is all you need to start. However, if you want to enhance your automation skills, we strongly recommend you create a free account on our platform.
Each course concentrates on a different aspect of airSlate. More in-depth certification courses, lasting up to four hours, are offered. Consider the amount of time you'll need to spend to homework completion as well.
We want you to keep moving forward in your education. The airSlate Academy will issue you a certificate of completion if you successfully complete a course. The certificate can be put to good use in your existing position or as a springboard for a new one.
Bots are pieces of software that are programmed to do certain tasks based on rules and conditional logic that have already been set. You may use airSlate Bots to transfer data across documents and apps, make reminders and automated notifications, build and update entries in your CRM based on the information collected, and much more.
Gartner says that in the future, organizations that want to be more efficient and flexible will have to use automation. If you want to stay competitive and not fall behind, you should think about learning automation as part of your growth plan.
You don't need any industry-specific training or third-party software to take any courses. Every learning block concludes with a variety of exercises that put what you've learned into practice through a variety of real-world application scenarios. They are self-paced and can be seen at any time that suits you.
RPA is an abbreviation for Robotic Process Automation. It is a specialized technology comprised of tools and features designed to automate repetitive and routine processes. airSlate provides a plethora of RPA Bots to automate time-consuming document-based procedures without the need for coding.
There is a label next to each course stating the level of the course. Additionally, you can use our Catalog to exclude courses at the intermediate and advanced levels from your search results.
By using RPA technologies from airSlate, you can easily streamline your document-based processes with little help from people. Create documents from scratch, collect electronic signatures and data from other parties, bill and ask for payments, and route data within your company's CRMs and apps.