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Yes, you can sign up for a free plan to subscribe. You'll have 30 days to try out airSlate and learn how to use our solution firsthand. You can change to a paid plan whenever you want. To discover how airSlate works, please visit our YouTube channel featuring multiple webinars, tutorials, and use cases.
For airSlate, you don't have to create an account. Start by signing up for an airSlate Academy account. Create an account on our site for free if you want to learn more about automation.
Bots are pieces of software that are set up to do certain tasks based on rules and logic that have already been set. You may use airSlate Bots to transport data across documents and apps, set up reminders and automated notifications, build and update entries in your CRM based on the data you collect, and much more.
Our no-code solution is a platform that includes eSignature, document generation, RPA Bots, tools for negotiating contracts, and more. We offer a complete solution for automating your document-based tasks. Read about how our features have helped other companies in our customer stories.
We hope that you will continue to progress in your studies. The airSlate Academy will issue a certificate to students who successfully finish any of their courses. Working in your current position or advancing your career are both possible outcomes of earning this degree.
RPA is an abbreviation for Robotic Process Automation. It is a specialized technology comprised of tools and features designed to automate repetitive and routine processes. airSlate provides a plethora of RPA Bots to automate time-consuming document-based procedures without the need for coding.
In each class, a different aspect of airSlate's operation is discussed. Between 30 and 60 minutes are possible. Certification courses are more in-depth and can last up to four hours. You should also consider how much time you have to complete the assignment.
With huge shifts in the economy caused by the pandemic and the adoption of hybrid work, it’s critical for businesses to obtain a solution for paperless and automated document management.
It is not necessary to have any prior programming experience in order to use our solution. It's one of airSlate's most important advantages. However, this approach does not necessitate any coding on our part.
In order to take classes, there are no prerequisites or third-party tools required. At the end of each learning block, students are given a variety of assignments that require them to put what they've learned into practice. It's up to you how fast or slow you want to go through our courses.