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Besides the airSlate Academy, you can take advantage of other learning materials that will help you with our products. To view the materials, please visit our main page > click resources > select any option from the drop-down list. Whenever you need help, feel free to get in touch with us.
Automating your document-based operations is simple using airSlate's RPA solutions. Create papers from scratch, collect electronic signatures and data from other parties, invoice and request payments, and route data across your company's CRMs and apps, all from a single platform.
Our no-code solution combines eSignature, document generation, RPA Bots, contract negotiation tools, and more in one platform. We provide a holistic approach to automating your document-based operations. Read our customer stories now and learn how our functionality helps different companies.
All classes at airSlate Academy are completely free. Simply create an account with airSlate Academy, validate your email address, and begin your learning experience.
Our solution requires no knowledge of programming languages. It’s one of airSlate’s most competitive advantages. Configuring some of our tools may take some time, but this process does not involve coding.
The airSlate Partnership program, known as Partner Connect, enables companies to add airSlate products to their catalogs, promote those products through their own channels, and earn commissions. Being an airSlate partner requires you to learn about automation.
Yes, you can take as many classes as you wish. However, we advise you not to enroll in too many courses at once because some of them require your undivided attention. Sign up now to maintain a productive learning pace at all times.
You do not need an industry-specific background or third-party tools to take any courses. Our courses provide a variety of use cases, key insights and suggestions, and varied projects at the end of each learning block. Our courses are self-paced, so you may watch them whenever it is convenient for you.
We encourage you to move forward in your learning process. After you complete any course with the airSlate Academy, you will receive a certificate to confirm you have successfully passed the course. You can use the certificate to complement your current job or advance your career.
While these technologies are similar, they are not the same. AI is mainly geared towards self-learning, developing its own logic, and making predictions. In contrast, RPA can only operate based on the pre-set logic and is not capable of working without humans.