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We want you to keep moving forward in your learning. If you take a course through the airSlate Academy, you will get a certificate to show that you passed the course. You can add the certificate to your current job or move up in your career by using it.
You can enroll in as many classes as you like. But we don't recommend taking too many classes at once because some of them require your whole attention. Sign up now and keep learning at a productive rate every time.
Yes, you can sign up for a free plan to subscribe. You'll have 30 days to try out airSlate and learn how to use our solution firsthand. You can change to a paid plan whenever you want. To understand how airSlate works, please visit our YouTube channel featuring multiple webinars, tutorials, and use cases.
Next to each course, you can find a label indicating the course level. Plus, you can filter out the Advanced- and Intermediate-level courses from your search results by using our Catalog.
You don't need experience in a certain field or tools from a third party to take any course. At the end of each learning block, there are different assignments based on different use cases, as well as important insights and tips. Our courses are self-paced, so you can look at them whenever you want.
While these two technologies are similar, they are not the same. AI is mostly about learning on its own, developing its own logic, and making predictions. On the other hand, RPA can only work based on the logic that has already been set up. It can't work without humans.
ESignature, RPA Bots, contract negotiation tools and more are all included in our no-code platform. Automating your document-based processes is one of our specialties. Read our our customer stories today to see how our features have aided various businesses.
All classes at airSlate Academy are completely free. Simply create an account with airSlate Academy, validate your email address, and begin your learning experience.
By using airSlate’s RPA technologies, you can easily streamline your document-based processes with minimal human input. Generate documents from scratch, collect electronic signatures and data from other parties, invoice and request payments, and route data within your company’s CRMs and apps.
Besides the airSlate Academy, there are other ways to learn about our products that can help you. To view the materials, please visit our main page > click resources > select any option from the drop-down list. Please contact us whenever you need help.