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Besides the airSlate Academy, you can take advantage of other learning materials that will help you with our products. To view the materials, please visit our main page > click resources > select any option from the drop-down list. Whenever you need help, feel free to get in touch with us.
RPA is short for Robotic Process Automation. It’s a specialized technology of tools and features set up to automate repetitive and routine tasks. airSlate offers many RPA Bots to streamline tedious document-based processes without needing to code.
Unfortunately, we are unable to provide courses in other languages. Unless otherwise noted, everything on the airSlate website is written in English. Please let us know if you'd like to see a localized version of our product in the future.
Each course focuses on a different aspect of how airSlate operates. They can take anywhere between 30 and 60 minutes. Courses that lead to certification are more in-depth and can take up to four hours. It's also important to consider how much time you have available.
According to Gartner, automation will become a new requirement for firms seeking to increase efficiency and flexibility. If you want to stay competitive and avoid falling behind, you should include learning automation in your growth plan.
airSlate Academy offers no-cost classes. Just sign up for an airSlate Academy account, verify your email address, and you're ready to go.
Each course has a label stating its level next to it. In addition, you can use our Catalog to exclude courses at the intermediate and advanced levels from your search results.
With huge shifts in the economy caused by the pandemic and the adoption of hybrid work, it’s critical for businesses to obtain a solution for paperless and automated document management.
You can find the complete list of courses in this catalog. Students can choose from a variety of course types, each with varying degrees of difficulty. In case you don’t see a specific training course contact us.
Yes, you can sign up for a free plan to subscribe. You'll have 30 days to try out airSlate and learn how to use our solution firsthand. You can change to a paid plan whenever you want. To get a common concept of how airSlate works, visit our YouTube channel featuring multiple webinars, tutorials, and use cases.