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Aside from the airSlate Academy, you can benefit from various learning materials that will assist you with our products. To view the materials, please visit our main page > click resources > select any option from the drop-down list. At any time, please feel free to reach out to us.
Find the complete list of courses in this catalog. The courses are broken up into different types and levels of difficulty. If you can't find a certain training contact us.
Partner Connect is the airSlate Partnership program that enables businesses to add airSlate product offerings, promote them through their marketing channels, and earn commissions. Learning about automation with airSlate is a key step in becoming a partner.
A label identifying the course level can be found next to each course. You can also use our Catalog to exclude Advanced and Intermediate-level courses from your search results.
Each course focuses on a certain part of how airSlate works. They can take anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes. Courses that lead to a certification are more in-depth and can take up to 4 hours. Also, you need to think about how much time you have to do the work.
We regret that we do not provide courses in other languages. The complete airSlate interface, as well as all supporting resources and learning materials, are written in English. If you would want to see a localized product in the future, please share your thoughts with our support team.
Robotic Process Automation is what RPA stands for in short. It is a set of tools and features that work together to automate tasks that are done over and over again. airSlate has a lot of RPA Bots that can speed up tedious document-based tasks without having to write code.
Our no-code solution combines eSignature, document generation, RPA Bots, contract negotiation tools, and more in one platform. We provide a holistic approach to automating your document-based operations. Read our customer stories now and learn how our functionality helps different companies.
All courses with airSlate Academy are free of charge. You just need to set up an account with the airSlate Academy, confirm your email address, and start your learning journey.
With the pandemic and the rise of hybrid work causing huge changes in the economy, it's important for businesses to find a way to manage documents without paper and automatically.